Monday, December 6, 2010

F.Cuz - Midnight Sun LYRIC


Has everything ended? My heart as stopped
Everything melted away in my eyes without any flames
Please don't go, hanging on the edge of a cliff, you're breaking me apart

Love will die, such a thing as love will end
I can withstand it, I'll forget someone like you
erase you, erasing you who is cruel, I want to forget you so much
I wanna go back to you

Even the blowing wind tears me apart
No matter how hard I try to bear with it, your appearance ties me down
Please if I could forget you, just this once if I could push you aside

Love will die, such a thing as love will end
I can withstand it, I'll forget someone like you
erase you, erasing you who is cruel, I want to forget you so much
I wanna go back to you

In front of love, I'm dead. Kneeling in front of you who is pain
I have to be in pain and cannot move
Why didn't I know that love is pain? A trap that someone made

Love will die, such a thing as love will end
I can withstand it, I'll forget someone like you
erase you, erasing you who is cruel, I want to forget you so much

Love has ended, tied to me who has been thrown out
I'm asking you, without being able to remember.
erase you, erasing you who is cruel, I want to forget you so much
I wanna go back to you

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